Sunday, 20 January 2008

Primeval Series 2 Episode 2

A much better effort this time, as Cutter and the team battle killer worms. No, I’m not talking about Jacques Chirac but some ancient creatures! Hmmm, that’s the same thing isn’t it, never mind!

An office block is this week's setting, as ‘smoke’ seeps through from the server room. Unfortunately, it isn’t a fire, it is infact a gas made up of different toxins which enable the worm creatures to breathe. Too much oxygen is fatal, apparently!

Jenny Lewis starts work and its clear she’s nothing like her ‘look-a-like’, Claudia Brown. She’s bossy and seems to be a stickler for the rules, which when you are chasing Dinosaurs around, isn’t helpful! Despite this, I definitely still would!

In other news, Connor gets in with a bird, who seems a little dodgy. I mean, how many girls pick up men in video shops? They don’t even have video shops anymore! Seriously, I reckon something will happen there and I just don’t mean Connor will get his leg over!

Helen is back and she seems to have bought a car and visited the hairdressers, in between chasing around killer creatures. Her hair looks nice though!

Back to the episode, where for once, the CGI is looking good, Abbie’s role is reduced to scowling in the background and Stephen turns down the chance to bed Helen. The fool!

Overall a big improvement, a better story, better monsters and betting acting. With the ending, I don’t think there is any doubt that Helen had anything to do with Claudia’s disappearance.


Coming Next Week: Helen guests on ‘This Morning’ to discuss how she keeps herself looking so good while chasing around prehistoric beasts. And I don’t mean John Prescott!

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