A mysterious voice, a missing girl and a murdered queen. The Royal House of Peladon is once more plunged into intrigue, terror and death. The Doctor, Peri and Erimem must find their way through a treacherous labyrinth of lies if they are to distinguish friend from foe before it is too late.
For deep beneath the Citadel of Peladon, something infinitely ancient and immeasurably powerful is stirring..."
I always seem to enjoy a BF release, no matter what Doctor or companions, I always seem to enjoy them. And that is the case with ‘The Bride Of Peladon’!
To get into the mood for this month’s audio, I watched ‘The Curse of Peladon’ and enjoyed it immensely. Like ‘Curse’ and its ‘sequel’ – ‘The Monster of Peladon’, Alpha Centauri and an Ice Warrior are present.
The 5th Doctor, Peri and Erimem hear a distress call and land onboard a spaceship, which is on its way to Peladon, unfortunately the ship is in freefall! Meanwhile, the Queen of Peladon is dead, but how did she die? And why is the soon-to-be King of Peladon, hearing voices?
I’ll be trying my best not to spoil it, but I love it! The ending is well done, although it would have been better if it were played out more. The story (as always) is well acted and the sound affects seem to have improved from previous stories (or was that just my new headphones?!?). Nick Briggs makes sure he appears, playing the Ice Warrior and Jenny Agutter guest stars. Alpha Centauri is as camp as ever but still as loveable! Only this time we don’t see the dodgy costume!
Anyone who has seen the Peladon stories will know what I mean when I say ‘Aggedor’ is in it and the Doctor sings the song! Sorry, I just love that ‘Venusian lullaby’ for some reason!
The extras, as always, have interviews with the cast and more Nick Briggs!
I would urge you to check it out, if you like the Peri and Erimem stories, this story is as important in the series as ‘The Eye of The Scorpion’. That’s all your getting off me! However, it’s still not my favourite Peri and Erimen story, ‘Son of the Dragon’ is by far the best in my opinion!
Coming next, in the monthly series, will be the 6th Doctor’s ‘Condemned’, with a very special guest (wink)!
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