At the end of series 2, Nathan was shot by an unknown gunman, who wanted to stop him from telling the world that people with superpowers do exist. We learn that it was Peter, from the future, who shot him. Apparently the revelation would have caused war and the world would be in a state of ruin.
Meanwhile Hiro is getting his feet under the table in his Dad’s office. A video message from beyond the grave later and Hiro uncovers a DNA formula which will apparently throw the world into chaos. We learn later that Angela Petrelli was also part of this and she tells future Peter, in uncertain terms, to go back to the future. But where is present Peter, is he looked up with Mr Bennett?
Sylar finally gets the annoying cheerleader but unlike all the others, Claire doesn’t die and retains her power, despite Sylar taking it. Apparently she is ‘special’, well that’s one word that could be used to describe her, yes!
Mohinder continues to talk shite, before and after the show and Maya is somehow speaking like a native yank. Molly has been packed off to an unknown destination, to ‘keep her safe’. Looks like the writers strike took its toll on the actress who plays young Molly, she’ll be about 21 now! Thanks to Maya, Mohinder discovers a drug that can give people superpowers and despite the protests of Maya, Mohinder goes down to the docks and injects himself like a smackhead. The daft man has only given himself ‘super strength’ – I can see this ending in tears!
We are also introduced to a new hero, a woman who can ‘run really fast’. Not sure if she’s taking any kind of banned substance, but hopefully she’ll be at the 2012 Olympics! This new hero steals the formula from Hiro, who teleports into the future to see if anything’s changed. It has – the world is crumbling and Hiro sees himself ‘killed’ by his good friend Ando, who hits him with some kind of power, he has acquired and steals the formula from him. Hmmm, sounds interesting!
Back at the hospital, Nathan goes 'all David Icke' and believes that it was god who saved him. It wasn’t, it was a bearded English bloke who was in ‘A Clockwork Orange’. Yes, Linderman is back from the dead. How and why I don’t have a Scooby but I’m sure we’ll find out in the coming weeks. We also learn that Nikki is still alive - she is being a ‘Monica Lewinsky’ to a governor who takes a shine to Nathan’s ramblings about god on telly.
Poor Matt finds himself stuck in a desert after a confrontation with future Peter, the poor bastard can’t survive 10 minutes without something to eat. I hope he finds a Little Chef somewhere!
It was an episode that moved pretty quick and some of the plot from series 1 looks a little pointless now, after Peter and the others tried to prevent Sylar from taking Claire’s power. Leaving her home alone wasn’t the best idea was it? The episode doesn’t suffer too much from it though but it could have been a little more polished. I expect it to improve as the series goes on. Everything else, as always, was bang on but I didn’t feel as if it was the best idea for an opening episode – it moved too fast!
Next Time – Hiro accidentally teleports himself inside Matt’s stomach, which at this point, is about as barren as Angela Petrelli’s knickers!
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