Apparently this film has been in ’development hell’ since the early 90’s but I think the film has benefited from, undoubtly, plenty of rewrites. The filming style is similar to that of the last few films and coupled with new CGI effects it looks perfect.
It isn’t just the effects that are good, the acting is top notch. Although I do think John Hurt and Jim Broadbent, two of Britain’s finest actors, were underused. Newcomer Shia Labeouf impresses as Mutt Williams, Cate Blanchett dons an hilarious wig and Ray Winstone a dodgy tache! Karen Allen returns as Marion Ravenwood and looks remarkable. But it’s Harrison Ford who really shows that he can still do it. Rambo, Rocky and Die Hard have all made recent returns for veteran actors but it’s this film, which is the most believable. Considering the plot, that’s saying something! Ford plays the older Indiana superbly and his grey hair rather suits him!
There are nice nods too for Marcus Brody (Denholm Elliot) and Henry Jones Sr. (Sean Connery). Denholm Elliot sadly died in 1992 and Sean Connery’s career died after he made ‘Entrapment’ with Catherine Zeta Jones, so he has retired and refuses to appear in anything else! Thank god he has, this film wouldn’t have been half as good if he made an appearance! (Just my own personal dislike, sorry!)
The film makers have been criticized by using that long running plot device – The Cold War. Its rather unnecessary as the Soviet’s are on a similar mission as the Nazi’s were in ‘Raiders of The Lost Ark’. Whether this is a purely creative decision or a continuation of anti-communist propaganda, who knows. I was quite disappointed that they didn’t delve much into 1950’s America. It seemed when they weren’t in a classroom or a café they where on a high-speed chase!
However the lovely stuff far outweighs the poor stuff. As said, the effects and direction are just amazing, the acting is the best we could hope for and the story is more than passable. All in all it’s a loveable romp with an old gentleman. That sounds a bit wrong doesn’t it?
With any Indiana Jones film, the plot isn’t realistic but if you take it with a pinch of salt, you’ll love it! Rumours have been circulating that Shia LeBeouf is going to star in his own spin-off of movies and after the ending and his performance, that certainly would be welcome!
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