Sunday, 3 February 2008

Primeval Series 2 Episode 4

After yet another big improvement for Primeval, I’m wondering what state the series will be by the time we reach the end!

Before any of my readers (?) think that, because of my ‘panning’ of Torchwood last week, my reaction was to ‘big up’ Primeval, well you couldn’t be more wrong! Primeval has ticked all the right boxes for me. It does what it ‘says on the tin’ and that is to entertain families on a Saturday night. Throw in a few monsters, anomalies and suspect CGI - you’ve got Primeval! Torchwood (which as a far bigger profile and budget) has been largely inconsistent, story-wise and I don’t think that will ever change.

Back to the episode, where we are dealing with the ‘future evolution of the shark.’ Its big, its scary, its got sharp teeth, hey its Amy Winehouse! So ‘Amy the shark’, apparently ‘snatches’ a lad. No body is found and the team believe him to be dead. Its only when Abby is snatched, that the story starts to get into its stride.

Earlier, Abby and Connor had a few arguments because of the constant hanging around of his ‘girlfriend’ Caroline. In fact she does more ‘hanging around’ than the occupants of Chester Zoo! So when Abby is snatched, presumed dead, he’s obviously upset. Meanwhile Cutter is ‘sacked’ by Lester, earlier Cutter chased and was eventually punched by the mysterious ‘cleaner’ from episode 1, who keeps popping up everywhere. We would learn more about him later.

Cutter enlists the help of Connor as they try to find Abby, thanks to a tip off from Jenny. Low and behold, they find the boy (what a surprise!) but where is Abby? As Connor searches for her, Cutter is attacked by a ‘big sea creature-monster thing’. So Cutter attacks it with a metal pole (?), then Stephen pops up from nowhere to shoot the ‘big sea creature-monster thing’, down!

Meanwhile, Abby is dragged through the anomaly and on the edge of a cliff. Connor does the brave thing and tells her and he loves her, but then his bravery runs out as he tries to help her! Thankfully, Cutter isn’t far away to help, as he and Stephen shoot down more ‘big sea creature-monster things’.

Its better if you watch it, to be honest!

At the end, the creepy Oliver, who we already know is paying Caroline to get near Connor, is on the phone to the mysterious ‘cleaner’ chap. It turns out he’s been watching Cutter. But that’s not the end of the ‘surprises’, as we learn that Helen is the back of Oliver’s car and it seems she’s been dictating orders to Oliver? It also seems that James Lester doesn’t know about Oliver’s double-life, so what is he up to and why?


Next Week: Connor is involved in a 4-in-a-bed sex scandal, with Abby, Caroline and Rex. Helen does the filming.

NEWS JUST IN: Primeval has been commissioned for a third series, which will go into production next month. Its fantastic news and well done to all. Lets hope ITV produce more Sc-Fi shows instead of the ‘talent’ contest crap, we normally see!

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