Gene Hunt is back in the sequel to ‘Life on Mars’, named after another David Bowie hit – 1981’s ‘Ashes To Ashes’. Joining him in London, are Chris, Ray and new WPC Sharon ‘Shazza’ Granger.
But the action starts in 2008, as DCI Alex Drake (Keeley Hawes) chases a mad gunman, after he snatches her daughter. Thankfully the little brat is unarmed, but as she is took safely away, Alex gets into her car and who’s waiting in the back? None other than the gunman.
So the mysterious gunman makes Alex drive to a warehouse and he seems to be somehow involved in Alex’s parents’ death in 1981. Before we find out anymore, he shoots Alex in the head!
What follows next, is just 45ish minutes of TV joy! Alex wakes up in a ‘floating’ brothel (as you do!), dressed in skimpily-clad 80’s gear (hey I wasn’t complaining!). After ‘escaping’ from the said brothel, she is taken confronted by a rich-city ponce. Then a screech and a flash of red later and an Audi Quarto zooms into view. Yep, it’s Gene!
The story starts to kick in and it’s clear that Alex is much different than Sam. She’s a psychological profiler, something which Gene finds it’s something to take the mickey out of. He’s right, of course!
Some of the more sinister moments, are Alex’s ‘visions’. A terrifying-looking clown, who speaks in her daughter’s voice, is after her. Zippy (complete with a police hat and trunction!) and George, of Rainbow fame, turn up. I was grinning from ear to ear at this point!
The fun wasn’t over, as the ponce who confronted Alex is apparently involved in a drug ring with the bloke who shot Alex in 2008. Gene is now drinking in wine bars, has a computer in his office (‘I’ve got Pong!’) his wife has left him and Sam ‘seems’ to have died. Okay, not all fun then!
So as the net closed in. The ‘drug lords’ kidnap Shazza and then a Miami Vice-style shootout follows. It’s a bit OTT, especially Gene, Chris and Ray, in a speedboat, but it was the 80’s and it was London! The criminals (as always) are rounded up. Alex thinks she’s done enough to go back home after arresting the man responsible for her parent’s death but she’s not! Chris provides the ‘biggest cheer of the episode’ for me, by shooting the ‘city ponce’ in the foot, with the line – ‘I’m not nervous, just cautious!’
I’ve got not a lot to complain about! The story is well written, direction is as good as it was in Life On Mars and Chris and Ray do their usual fantastic supporting act! Keeley Hawes was better than I expected and Gene was just Gene! The series can only get better and I believe it will turn out to be as good as Life On Mars.
Next Week: Gene gets drunk with Zippy and George, in the poncy wine bar and they go round to Bungle’s and set fire to his bed.